Ahmad Subhan
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Since 2013 in Jambi province has formed The Local Information Commission but there are still many challenges and obstacles faced by this institution. One that happens, their internal problems that duality of leadership so made the bad effect on the agency's performance. This study tries to discuss about the institutional strengthening in the context of the public disclosure implementation. The study was conducted by qualitative descriptive method. Primary data were collected through interviews, while secondary data obtained through the regulatory document tracking, and reporting. Adjusting to the theoretical basis, the analysis emphasizes the institutionalism approach from regulative, normative and cognitive aspects. The results show that regulative aspect was sufficient for this institution based on the Freedom of Information Law and various other supporting regulations. From normative aspects indicate institution has not fully run his authorities in terms of providing policy support in the form of implementation guidelines and instructions. In the cognitive, so far still has not established the perception that is consistent and harmonious coordination between Commission and Local Government. Both the public disclosure implementor agencies should be able to walk hand in hand and harmonious as they both interdependence in terms of budgeting and dispute settlement authority.


information commission; institutionalism; public information disclosure

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