Yayan Hidayat, Anang Fajar Sidik
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This paper explains the pattern of natural resources managed by indigenous communities inside or around forest areas. In 2018, there were more than 25,863 villages inside forest areas. Various regulations prohibit forest use activities within forest areas, while the determination of forest area status tends to be political. It is proven by the fact that 48.8 million people still inhabit the forest areas, and 10.2 million are classified as poor people in the forest areas. The research tries to offer a solution regarding poverty alleviation in and around the forest areas. Data collection methods used in this study were in-depth interviews and direct observation. The primary approach used is the perspective of sustainable development. The study was conducted in 6 different indigenous communities inside the forest areas, namely the Karang-Lebak community, the Kajang-Bulukumba community, the Kallupini-Enrekang community, the Seberuang-Sintang community, the Saureinu-Mentawai community, and the Moi Kelim-Sorong community. The results of this study indicate that the economic value obtained in several communities in and around the forest areas turns out to be more profitable if managed directly by the local communities.


poverty; forest area; indigenous community; sustainable development

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