Mochammad Ridwan Ristyawan, Hansen Tandra
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The performance of MSMEs is one of the leading indicators to increase Indonesia’s economic growth. Based on data from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia 2017, the contribution of MSMEs to GDP in the past five years reached 60.34%. Economic growth in Indonesia shows fluctuating values, controlled macroeconomic climate, but grew minimally. The cause of this factor is the contribution of Indonesia’s MSMEs are few in the global market and the lowest in ASEAN. Indonesian MSMEs have a low value of competitiveness because they have low-quality products. Based on the following problems, the formulation of a Resource Based-View (RBV) method is a mapping of company resources in improving the competitive advantages of MSMEs. RBV is formulated with the Artificial Intelligence model considered to be able to help map RBV practically. This type of research is qualitative research. The focus of the population and samples studied is Pontianak MSMEs, which already have export. The analysis technique used in this research is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the latest RBV models to obtain strategic resources. The analysis was then developed into a basic framework of RBV-based Artificial Intelligence (AI). The result of the study is the creation of an RBV-based AI Framework designed to obtain strategic resources to be managed into a competitive advantage of the company


Artificial Intelligence (AI); Resource Base View (RBV); MSMEs

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