Dinar Wahyuni
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Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is established in an effort to improve rural economy through community empowerment. This study aims to illustrate the role of BUMDes in community empowerment in Panggungharjo Village, Bantul Regency. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the role of BUMDes Panggung Lestari was huge in community empowerment efforts. At the stage of awareness of the community’s potential, elucidation activities appeal to be more concerned with garbage management, and knowledge about the benefits of garbage has opened the people’s minds that they are actively involved in the House of Garbage Management. At the capacity building stage, the BUMDes provides assistance in the form of training and guidance, collaborates with related parties, recruits professionals and creative workers, and conducts comparative studies in several places. The role of the BUMDes in the protection stage can be seen from its efforts to open up opportunities for many businesses that can be accessed directly by the community. In addition, the BUMDes cooperates with the private sector to develop its business units. Various efforts undertaken by the BUMDes to improve community welfare through empowerment have shown results in terms of economy, employment, and environmental health. In the future, the BUMDes needs to explore further and revitalize local wisdom that is still relevant to be synergized with the community empowerment program.


village-owned enterprise; empowerment; rural community

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Dokumen Resmi

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