Juniar Laraswanda Umagapi
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The adoption of a 30% quota hasn't been able to reach 30% women's representation in parliament even though political parties follow the quota and zipper system rules. The issue of women’s representation becomes very important because many policies are considered not in favor of women such as the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence should be end here Despite the inability to reach the targeted quota, there has been an increased in women's participation this year. Special attention is needed to the problem of women’s representation in politics. Khofifah Indar Parawansa in his writings on obstacles to women’s political participation in Indonesia explains how culture, the selection process of political parties, the media, organizational networks that influence women’s representation in politics. Ani Widyani Soetjipto also generally defines affirmative action as a pro-active action to eliminate discrimination against a social group that still left behind. This study takes data from previous studies and also data processed by the author. To answer the research questions, this study also uses interviews with women of Indonesian Parliament members to provide an overview of whether they experience injustice in the campaign process and what impact on women in general from their positions as members of the legislative. In the end the research question that will emerge is Why the quota system fails to increased women's participation and the second problem in this study is to study the role of women legislators in dealing with policies that not in favor of / beneficial to women issues and the final question is to see whether there are any impact from their representation in government. The results showed that although there was an increase in the representation of women in politics, the significant impact on policies that were in favor of women was not too visible, especially because these women had not occupied many leadership positions. Political parties also play a very important role in recruiting qualified female cadres so that later they can make a big difference to women’s issues.The purpose of the research is to provide input and recommendations for members of the Indonesian Parliament, particularly the related complementary organs, especially Commission VIII and also Commission IX on important issues faced by women such as health and employment.


quota 30%; zipper system; gender; policies; women’s legislative member; commission VIII; commission IX

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Lampiran Keputusan KPU No 1318/PL.01.9-Kpt/06/KPU/VIII/2019 Tentang Penetapan Calon Terpilih Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2019.

Naskah Akademik Rancangan Undang-Undang tetang Kesetaraan dan Keadilan Gender.

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