Humphrey Wangke
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Illegal logging is considered as one of the causes of deforestation and global warming, therefore, many countries are attempting to prevent and to combat against all practices of it. This research argues that through bilateral cooperation and agreements, deforestation and global warming can be prevented and stoped effectivety because contracting parties, namely expotting and importing countries, must obeyed all the agreements on legal timber trade they reached. Field researches in West Kalimantan and south sumatra provinces reveal that legalization of timber trade through bitateral agreements can give benefit to lndonesia as one of exporting countries due to the reason that it can improve forest management and, more importantly, rising state revenue from it taxes.


pembalakan liar; flegt; kerjasama bilateral; provinsi kalimantan barat; provinsi sumatera selatan; itto; deforestasi

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