Asep Ahmad Saefuloh
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This study is aimed to discuss brain drain phenomenon, particularly its characteristic, constraint and push and pull factors, and strategy to change brain drain to brain gain. Its analysis shows that brain drain in lndonesia is triggered by government's policy to send students abroad. Due to its characteristics and cause, brain drain has no linkage with expertise, and caused by lack of experts. One of the pull faators is poor weffare of scholars, while one of the push factors is the provision of large amount scholarships. A strategy to change brain drain to become brain drain is to involve lndonesian scholars, scientists or experts in master plan projects of acceleration and enlargement of lndonesian economic development (MP3EI). This study concludes that the brain drain phenomenon in lndonesia is not yet dangerous, but it needs to be immediately responded in order to prevent its massiye cases in the future.


brain drain; ilmuwan lndonesia; ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; reserve brain

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