Venti Eka Satya
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Financial statements are important information for investors to know about a company's performance' Thus, the event of the financial state ments publication will influence investors' behaviour in the stock market, which is reflected in from the volatility of prices and the volume of trade shares. ln this research questioned whetherthere are the influences of corporate financial statement publication in the newspaper on the stock prices and its trading volumes in Bursa Efek tndonesia. using 81 companies and Paired Sample T-test which compared stock prices and trading volume before and after publication date, this research shows that there is no significant change of stock prices. Nonetheless, T-test on trading volume demonstrated that trading volume before financial statement publication is different with after publication. HI is not accepted because the character of the lndonesia's stock market is still weak and thin, and there are stocks which were not (actively) traded for a long time. Also, the time lag between the date of publication and the interim report date suspiciously became the factor which did not influence the investor behaviour.


laporan keuangan perusahaan; volume perdagangan saham; harga perdaangan saham; perilaku Investors; analisis pasar modal

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