Lidya Suryani Widayati
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This study discusses community service from the perspective of the punishment theory using secondary and primary data-Secondary data collection, obtained from literatures study, is aimed to gather pimary and secondary, as well as tertiary legal materials. Primary data cottection is conducted by making interviews with competent resource perstons. The resulb of this study concluded that the enactment of community seruice order refers to the rehabilitation theory that focuses on individual characteristics of the defendant who need healing and interference of others. in several countries studied, community seruice order has been property regutated and implemented. Although it has been considered effective as an alternative to imprisonment, the implementation of this sanction is still facing problem. This study recommends therefore that publichearing is needed to know public, especially stakehotders, response to the implementation of the community service order.


pidana kerja sosial; pidana penjara jangka pendek; pidana penjara; rehabilitasi

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