Corononavirus (Covid-19) pandemic does not only attack physical health, but also mental health. The Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown policy have made people feel stressed, anxious and take actions beyond reasonable limits, such as killing their own children, suicide and others. In this article, the author tries to answer the question, what is the psychological effect of large-scale social restriction policies in handling the coronavirus disease (covid) 19 pandemic in Indonesia? This paper uses a library research method in which the authors conduct a review of journals, books, literature, notes and various reports related to research problems. The literature review shows the positive contribution of psychological and religious approaches to physical and mental health. These steps need to be taken to complement the medical intervention. This paper proposes an integral-holistic approach to handling the pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID) 19 between physical and mental health.
Pandemi Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) tidak semata menyerang kesehatan fisik, namun juga kesehatan mental. Pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan lockdown telah membuat masyarakat mengalami stres, cemas, dan melakukan tindakan di luar ambang batas kewajaran seperti membunuh anak sendiri, bunuh diri, dan lain-lain. Pada artikel ini penulis mencoba menjawab pertanyaan, bagaimanakah dampak pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan pembatasan sosial berskala besar terhadap kesehatan mental masyarakat di indonesia? Tulisan ini menggunakan metode riset kepustakaan di mana penulis melakukan penelaahan terhadap jurnal, buku, literatur, catatan serta berbagai laporan yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan penelitian. Kajian literatur menunjukkan adanya kontribusi positif dari pendekatan psikologis dan agama bagi kesehatan fisik maupun mental. Langkah-langkah ini perlu dilakukan untuk melengkapi intervensi medis. Tulisan ini mengusulkan pendekatan penanganan pandemi Covid-19 yang bersifat integral-holistik antara kesehatan fisik dan mental.
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