Poltak Partogi Nainggolan
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An escalation of low intensity conflict and an awkward position of pro-ISIS terrorists groups because of President Duterte’s military operation could bring implications to Miangas. The island in the most northern part of Indonesia which has boundary with the Philippines in its waters has been anticipated by the country’s authorities as an evacuated route which can be used as a new military base for the Abu Sayyaf, Maute groups and other pro-ISIS groups, which will attract more foreign terrorist fighters to come. The research in Miangas analyses the level of security threats by making with various parties and field observation by applying both traditional and non-traditional approaches. Field research conducted in January-July 2017 by adopting qualitative methodology in its data analysis. Its findings reveal vulnerabilities in Miangas from possible terrorist acts of pro-ISIS groups in South Philippines and the development of the low intensity conflicts. Although Miangas people has strong potentials to respond the threat, problem of connectivity of Miangas and other Indonesia’s islands, poor infrastructure and the absence of main weapons, as well as low discipline and mentality of the state and security apparatus there will their capability to quick and effectively respond every pro-ISIS terrorist attacks from the South Philippines.
AbstrakEskalasi konflik berskala rendah dan terdesaknya kelompok-kelompok teroris pro-ISIS di Filipina Selatan oleh operasi militer Presiden Duterte dapat membawa dampak ke Miangas. Pulau terdepan Indonesia yang perairannya berbatasan langsung itu diantisipasi aparat Indonesia dapat dijadikan tempat pelarian dan basis persembunyian baru Kelompok Abu Sayyaf, Maute dan pro-ISIS lain, dengan kehadiran teroris asal mancanegara.  Penelitian ini menganalisis sejauh mana ancaman yang ada, dengan mewawancarai banyak pihak dan melakukan observasi lapangan, dengan memakai perspektif keamanan tradisional dan jnon-tradisional. Penelitian dilakukan selama Januari-Juni 2017, dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dalam analisis datanya. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan kerawanan Pulau Miangas dari berbagai kemungkinan ancaman serangan terorisme pengikut ISIS di Filipina Selatan dan perkembangan konflik berskala rendah di sana. Sekalipun terdapat potensi penduduk untuk menangkalnya, namun hambatan konektivitas Pulau Miangas dengan pulau-pulau lain di Indonesia, keterbatasan infrastruktur dan ketidaktersediaan alutsista, serta lemahnya mentalitas dan disiplin aparat pemerintahan dan keamanan di sana, akan menyulitkan mereka untuk dapat merespons secara cepat dan efektif setiap serangan terorisme para pengikut ISIS di Filipina Selatan.


terrorism; ISIS; FTFs; South Philippines; Miangas; safe haven; terorisme; Filipina Selatan

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