Aryojati Ardipandanto
| Abstract views: 272 | views: 99


To respond Constitutional Court's decision which justifies majority vote in the 2009legislative election, political pafties have changed their marketing strategy often called "strategi pencitraan." This essay discassed fhe effectiveness of the marketing strategy used by three main pafties, namely, Golkar, PDIP and PKS in the last election. The writer was of the opinion that Golkar still stuck on glorifyingifspasf successduring 2004-2009, while PDIP and PKS tried to draw people attentions by respectively introducing what it was sard as "political contract." and "downearthed interaction." The sfudy sfresses thaf to the some'extent the potitical marketing strategy could meet its relevance although it could notwholly bury current bad images of the parties.


strategi pencitraan; partai golkar; pdip; pks; pemilu 2009

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