The research on budget planning and implementation of the Pemilukada (the direct elections of maiors and regents) below was conducted in Jembrana municipality by exercising a qualitative research methad. lt is concluded that the making of budget planning has involved proper stakeholders, namely the Bupati (regent), the KPU Kabupaten Jembrana (the regency Ievel etection committee), and the Panwaslu (the election monitoring commiftee). Aside from these findings, the research reveals that both budget planning and implementation of the Pemilukada did not open access for public participation. Meanwhile, in budget implementing, the role of Bupati was wider in comparison to the role of both KPU involved proper stakeholders, namely the Bupati (regent), the KPU Kabupaten and the Panwaslu. This research, therefore, gives the recommendation for the allocation of the budget of the Pemilukada in APBN (state budget).
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