Pemilukada (direct elections of governors, maiors and regents) is a result of democratization at the local level, particularly in the regions with two /evels of autonomy, namely at province and m u nicipality levels. Democratization however causes conflict of hierarchy between govemor as head of province and maiors or regents as heads of municipalities. ln hierarchical context, the regents or maiors are supposedly subordination of govemor who represents the interest of central government in the regions. Due to the reason that the fwo sorts of leaders of the lower levels are directly elected through general elections, they argue that they have legitimacy for their authority that cannot be undermined by the Governor. That is why the direct elections of governors are questioned because of the new governors' worsening retations with the maior and regents in many regions. To avoid communalconflicts and to save sfafe budget, there ls an aspiration to give back DPRDs (provincial level parliaments) their ight to elect governors. The writer is of the opinion that that is not the right solution for the problem, and an important thing is that how the country can push democratization at local level.
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