In the 2004 judicial reviews of Law Number 7/2004 on Water Resources, the Indonesian Constitutional Court has rejected several petitions with the Constitutional Court Decisions Number 058-059-060-063/PUU-II/2004 and the Constitutional Court Decisions Number 8/PUU-III/2005. Meanwhile, in 2013, the Constitutional Court received again applicants who repudiate the substances of the law, which has been then registered as Case Number 85/PUU-XI/2013. Different with the previous case, on this case, the Constitutional Court has won the request and finally come to the conclusion that the law is contrary with the 1945 State Constitution, thus, it has no binding legal force. The Decisions which mentioned as the Constitutional Court Decisions Number 83/PUU-XI/2013 which overall revoke Law Number 7/2004 on Water Resources bring about legal implications. Several implications of them require, among others, the re-enactment of Law Number 11/1974 on Water Territory which has been earlier revoked and the expansion of the Constitutional Court’s authority in reviewing Government Regulation, and the formulation of concept of “water resources under state control.”
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Dokumen Resmi
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air.
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