Since December 15, 2008, ASEAN will no longer be run based on Bangkok Declaration but ASEAN Charter. With this change, ASEAN is not again an informal organization but has become a formal one since it has now a clear rule and it is administered as legal entity, which focus its activities on people to people relationship. Because of this, too, ASEAN wants to show its existence as an effective organization due to the reason that all of its decisions could be binding and its success in the future would be determined not only by its leaders but also its societies.
Full Text:
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lnforman Utama
Yusfa Hendry, Kepala Bagian Humas Pemko Batam.
Nada Faza Soraya, Ketua Kadin Batam.
Ir. Soeripno, Kepala Bappeda Kepri.

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