Lokot Zein Nasution
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Indonesia ever experience of the food self-sufficiency in the 1980s, but declined sharply after the 1990s. This decline occurred after the handed of the agricultural sector on market mechanisms and be modified BULOG which serves as the controller of market becomes Perum. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (i) to explore differences in policy of format trade system of agricultural sector through BULOG in the period before and after becoming Perum; and (ii) give directions how to improve the performance of the agricultural trade system through the role and function of BULOG. These two aim were explored through descriptive analysis of secondary data and explored with the study of literature. Secondary data were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Commerce. While the literature obtainable from books collections and journals related of historis of Bulog governance, as well as format of institutional agricultural trade system. The analysis showed that the main problems of the decline in agricultural sector performance is because unoptimal performance of trade system. After Bulog turn into Perum, trade system performance became degenerate because market structure at upstream level is monopsony market while at the downstream level is oligopolistic market. Thus, it should be improving the performance of agricultural trade system with the return of the role and function of BULOG which can be done through BLU (Public Service Board). This transformation should serve as a controlling market agricultural products, at least through three main capabilities, namely: (i) as a control or safety of floor price; (Ii) the control of export and import of agricultural products; and (iii) the distribution of agricultural products effectively and efficiently. Three such capabilities can be grand-design strategy for improving the performance of the agricultural sector which is characterized by farmers' welfare as well that can benefit the consumer.


the decline in agricultural performance; trade system; bulog; controller market; public service board

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