Edmira Rivani
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Since 2009 Indonesia has entered a series of social protection programs as one effort to make a prosper life for the people, especially which are poor and vulnerable. But, there are several problems to achieve that goal, such as the low level of accuracy targeting program and complementary between the program in targetingpeople who is entitled, in this case the problem is the target people who should have received the various social protection programs at once, were actually only receive less than it should. That is why single database is needed as a reference for social protection programs in selecting people to participate in program .In overcame this, TNP2K build Single Data Base (Basis Data Terpadu, BDT). BDT give a better results of targeting the people.The impact, 10 to 30 percent of the poorest receive greater benefit than those people which is not poor. Despite of that, BDT also intended to ensure the target of social protection program receives benefits from some of programs. In addition, BDT reduce the cost for the targeting the people who need a beneficiary, which is reached 0.5 percent of the shopping central government in four social protection national programs (Jamkesmas/JKN, Raskin, BSM, and PKH) in 2012-2014. The existence of BDT is very important . Hence , required sustainability efforts to to overcome the challenges that is improve the ability BDT to identify the target of social protection programs, increase the effectiveness of the program and speed of poverty reduction.Things that can be done to achieve that goals are updating programdata whic is including registration and classification, raise public awareness , and establish a complaints handling system.


single database; integrated database; poverty allevation; TNP2K; BDT; social protection program

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