Mohammad Mulyadi
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Unemployment and poverty itself has a very close relationship in the community. Due to rising unemployment then automatically the level of poverty in this country will also increase. Government authorities as the policy is expected to play a role in addressing the problem of unemployment and poverty. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the role of government in addressing unemployment and poverty in the community. Based on the study conducted, the result that social empowerment as an effort the government is doing in addressing the problem of unemployment and poverty more highlighted because it contains two aspects: (1) self-determination in which people with poor category is free to determine the problem-solving solutions; and (2) the government is only a facilitator while the culprit remains the community with that status. Efforts to lower the unemployment rate and the poverty rate is equally important. Because if people are unemployed does not mean having a job and income, and income owned of work is expected to meet the necessities of life. If needs are met, it will not be poor. So it is said with the low unemployment rate (higher employment), the poverty rate is also low, and vice versa.


unemployment; poverty; government; social empowerment

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