Sahat Aditua Silalahi, Ariesy Tri Mauleny
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Natural gas shall play an important role in national energy needs mainly due to
the scarcity of petroleum reserves. The government shall formulate policies in
both the upstream and downstream sides that support the paradigm of natural
gas utilization for domestic purposes. On the upstream side, the long chain of
bureaucracy needs to be cut in order to create a more conducive investment
climate. Meanwhile, on the downstream side, the government should accelerate
the infrastructure development for natural gas transmission and distribution.
The availability of this infrastructure is vital in order to distribute the natural gas
to consumers. To strengthen the downstream sector, the most important issue is
to release the dependency of consumption by the industrial sector.
Revitalization program especially on city gas and fuel gas is a strategy that can
be taken in order to expand the use of natural gas in households and
transportation sectors.


gas bumi; sektor hulu; sektor hilir; energi

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