The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises. The government responded through the Micro Enterprises Actor Assistance (BPUM) program to increase household consumption so that it can maintain business resilience. This is because the contribution of micro, small and medium enterprises to Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reaches 60.51 percent with the largest contribution from micro-enterprises. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of BPUM program on the consumption of micro-enterprises households in Indonesia using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) analysis based on Susenas Maret 2021 data from BPS. The findings showed that BPUM program in general have not been effective in having an impact on micro-enterprises household consumption. However, the BPUM program is effective in having an impact on the consumption of micro-enterprises households in the very poor category because it is able to increase household per capita expenditure, although it is still unable to get them out of poverty. This study suggests the need for precise targeting of the BPUM program at very poor micro-enterprises households and provided with a larger amount of assistance, in order to get micro-enterprise households out of poverty.
Keywords: BPUM, PSM, micro-enterprises, household consumption, poverty
Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak terhadap kelangsungan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah. Pemerintah merespon melalui program Bantuan Pelaku Usaha Mikro (BPUM) untuk meningkatkan konsumsi rumah tangga sehingga mampu menjaga ketahanan usaha. Hal ini karena kontribusi dari usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah terhadap Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia mencapai 60,51 persen dengan kontribusi terbesar dari usaha mikro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dampak program BPUM terhadap konsumsi rumah tangga usaha mikro di Indonesia menggunakan analisis Propensity Score Matching (PSM) berdasarkan data Susenas Maret 2021 dari BPS. Hasil temuan menunjukkan program BPUM secara umum belum efektif memberikan dampak terhadap konsumsi rumah tangga usaha mikro. Akan tetapi program BPUM efektif memberikan dampak terhadap konsumsi rumah tangga usaha mikro pada kategori sangat miskin karena mampu meningkatkan pengeluaran per kapita rumah tangga walaupun masih belum dapat mengeluarkannya dari kemiskinan. Penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya ketepatan penargetan program BPUM pada rumah tangga usaha mikro sangat miskin dan diberikan dengan jumlah bantuan yang lebih besar, agar dapat mengeluarkan rumah tangga pelaku usaha mikro dari kemiskinan.
Kata kunci: BPUM, PSM, usaha mikro, konsumsi rumah tangga, kemiskinan
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