Nidya Waras Sayekti
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Halal lifestyle has become a trend of world needs. Indonesia took this opportunity through the development of halal tourism. Halal tourism is part of the tourism industry that provides tourist services by referring to Islamic rules. However, there are still different understandings of halal tourism in the community and stakeholders, so that it can be one of the obstacles. This study aims to describe the development of halal tourism in Indonesia and analyze the government’s strategy in developing halal tourism. This research is a qualitative study using SWOT analysis. This research used primary data (discussions with the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesian Ulema Council, and academics at Andalas Dharma University) as well as secondary data. Since 2015, the growth of the halal tourism industry in Indonesia has increased. This is in line with Indonesia’s increasing rank every year from the sixth position (2015) to the first position (2019) in the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) as the country with the best halal destinations. There are three primary strategies undertaken by the government to reach this achievement, namely: 1) marketing development; 2) destination development; and 3) industrial and institutional development. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis conducted, four strategies can be carried out by the government in developing halal tourism in Indonesia. These strategies involve elucidating the public and stakeholders about halal tourism, integrating infrastructure development with increased connectivity to tourist destination areas, drafting legislation, and providing the community with guidance and the ease of doing business. This way, the development of halal tourism can have double effects. A good collaboration between the government and various stakeholders is also essential in managing strengths and utilizing opportunities for the development of halal tourism in Indonesia.


halal tourism; Islam; SWOT; Indonesia; socialization; connectivity

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