Tri Rini Puji Lestari
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The quality of services at the puskesmas is still often complained about by the community. Some studies show that the quality of health services in health centers is very closely related to the availability of qualified health workers. The aim of the study was to find out various health human resource problems that emerged in the puskesmas that could affect the quality of service for puskesmas, and efforts to overcome various problems related to Human Resource management so that the quality of services at the puskesmas could be improved. The approach used is descriptive analysis method. Data obtained from various literatures are processed and analyzed qualitatively according to the problems and objectives that have been set. The results were obtained, there was a problem of Human Resources in the puskesmas which affected the quality of services, namely the lack of integration of the planning system and procedures for distribution of health personnel; lack of capacity of Human Resource planning units at all levels in the distribution of health workers; lack of good communication so that there is a difference in understanding, information and knowledge about the distribution of health workers between the planning unit and health care providers; lack of support from local government; nonintegrated planning in various levels of administration in the regional government; and the lack of implementation and budgeting of training for health workers in health centers.


quality of services; puskesmas; health workers; human resource management

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