Tri Rini Puji Lestari
| Abstract views: 1050 | views: 3588


PHC is spearheading the health service. To that end, health centers have major stakes to realize the optimal level of public health. However, until now, the quality of health services in health centers are still frequent complaints by the people. Limited availability of health workers as one of the factors that affect the quality of health center services. On the other hand, the policy JKN resulting number of patient visits to health centers is increasing. This study used a qualitative approach using selected informants. The study aimed to obtain in-depth information about the availability of health workers health centers to provide health services at the health center. The results showed that the shortage of health workers in health centers, making the workload of health workers higher health centers and not in accordance with the duties and educational background. Thus ultimately decrease the quality of health center services. It is necessary for human resource management and comprehensive real.


health workers; availability; health centers

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