Khrisnamurti Khrisnamurti, Heryanti Utami, Rahmat Darmawan
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Marine tourism principal is to create an awareness to determine the behaviour of tourists in preserving areas of the oceans and coastal areas in the present and future in relation towards the sustainable tourism. The focus on organizing tourism activities in a responsible manner without sacrificing the potential of fulfilling the needs and aspirations humans in the future by applying the principle of viable economic, social environment, and appropriate technology. The Development in Tidung Island a destination has grown significantly and sporadic, this is shown by the increasing number of tourism amenities that is managed by individuals or groups such as homestay accommodation, boat rental, catering business and others. This development triggers (push) a positive impact economically, but on the other hand also creates a negative impact on the environment that could cause environmental degradation in the island such as unorganized development within the area, destruction of coral reefs due to tourist activity while snorkeling, etc. Therefore, this research aims to examine the extent of environmental damage caused by tourist activities on the island. This study uses a qualitative method approach that will analyze the relation that change the natural environment in Tidung Island associated with tourism activities. The results in this research successfully identifies three impacts cause by tourism. The first impact is the change of visual appearance, the second is the rubbish around the Tidung Island. The third is the impact of changes of water quality and destruction of coral reef around the area caused by the activities of tourist such as snorkeling. Therefore, the local governement should play a crucial role in implementing sustainable tourism in Tidung Island.


tourism; marine tourism; tourism impacts; environment; tidung island

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