Bencana Covid-19: Stresor bagi Pasangan Suami Istri di Indonesia

Sulis Winurini


The Covid-19 disaster has become a stressor for married couples because it triggers economic, psychological problems, and increases the burden of household domestic work. The purpose of this paper is to get a picture of the stress of married couples in Indonesia facing the Covid-19 pandemic and an overview of their strategies to deal with it. To fulfil this objective, the researcher used the literature review method which was later analyzed using the theory of stress and disasters. The Covid-19 disaster has proven stressful for married couples in Indonesia. However, most of them still try to maintain their marriage. This is in line with Bowlby’s theory that people respond to stress by seeking closeness with their loved ones, getting together, and supporting each other through stress, maintaining marital bonds. Home is recognized as the safest way to avoid threats as well as a place to focus on happiness with family. 



Bencana Covid-19 menjadi stresor bagi pasangan suami istri karena memicu permasalahan ekonomi, psikis, serta bertambahnya beban pekerjaan domestik. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran stres pasangan suami istri di Indonesia menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 dan gambaran strategi mereka untuk mengatasinya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode tinjauan pustaka untuk kemudian ditelaah dengan menggunakan teori stres dan bencana. Bencana Covid-19 terbukti membuat pasangan suami istri di Indonesia menjadi stres. Namun demikian, sebagian besar dari mereka tetap berupaya mempertahankan pernikahan. Hal ini sejalan dengan teori Bowlby bahwa orang-orang merespons stres dengan mencari kedekatan bersama orang-orang yang mereka cintai, berkumpul bersama, dan saling mendukung melalui stres, mempertahankan ikatan pernikahan. Rumah disadari menjadi cara paling aman untuk menghindari ancaman sekaligus menjadi tempat untuk memusatkan kebahagiaan bersama keluarga.


Covid-19, disaster, marriage, stress; bencana, pernikahan, stres

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