CSR and Sustainability of the Palm Oil Industry in Riau Province

Made Devi Wedayanti, Selvi Harvia Santri, Afrinaldy Rustam, Tawakkal Baharuddin, Moris Adidi Yogia, Boby Indra Pulungan


 Keberlanjutan industri minyak kelapa sawit menjadi isu yang kompleks dan kontroversial, mengingat dampaknya terhadap lingkungan dan sosial. Penelitian ini menggali praktik Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dalam konteks keberlanjutan industri minyak kelapa sawit di Provinsi Riau. Dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, penelitian ini melakukan tinjauan pustaka komprehensif yang mengutip beragam sumber seperti jurnal akademis, situs web, dan laporan resmi pemerintah terkait CSR dan keberlanjutan sektor minyak kelapa sawit. Analisis dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Nvivo 12 Plus sebagai alat kunci. Temuan penelitian menerangi beragam pendekatan CSR yang diadopsi oleh perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit di Provinsi Riau, meliputi praktik pertanian berkelanjutan, perlindungan integritas lingkungan dan keanekaragaman hayati, pemberdayaan masyarakat, penguatan infrastruktur dan akses ke layanan penting, penerapan standar transparansi dan sertifikasi, serta investasi dalam riset dan inovasi. Implementasi inisiatif CSR memainkan peran penting dalam memajukan keberlanjutan industri minyak kelapa sawit di wilayah ini. Inisiatif ini menjadi mekanisme penting untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang merugikan, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal, memupuk kepercayaan di kalangan pemangku kepentingan, dan mendorong pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Namun, perlu diakui bahwa implementasi program CSR masih memiliki tantangan, sehingga Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) sebaiknya mendorong pemerintah untuk menerapkan regulasi yang mendukung serta menerapkan pengawasan yang ketat.

Abstract: The sustainability of the palm oil industry stands as a multifaceted and contentious matter, given its profound environmental and social repercussions. This study delves into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices within the context of the palm oil industry's sustainability in Riau Province. Employing a qualitative methodology, this research conducts a comprehensive literature review drawing from diverse sources such as academic journals, websites, and official government reports concerning CSR and the sustainability of the palm oil sector. The analysis leverages Nvivo 12 Plus as a key tool. The research findings illuminate a varied landscape of CSR approaches adopted by palm oil companies in Riau Province, encompassing sustainable agricultural practices, safeguarding environmental integrity and biodiversity, fostering community empowerment, bolstering infrastructure and access to crucial services, embracing transparency and certification standards, and investing in research and innovation. Notably, the implementation of CSR initiatives plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainability within the palm oil industry in this region. These initiatives serve as crucial mechanisms for mitigating adverse environmental impacts, uplifting local communities, cultivating trust among stakeholders, and fostering sustainable economic development. However, it must be acknowledged that the implementation of this CSR program presents challenges, the House of Representatives (DPR) should motivate the government to implement accommodative regulations and supervisory measures.


Government Policy; Sustainable Practices; Palm Oil Industry; Corporate Social Responsibility

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46807/aspirasi.v14i2.4128


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